


Tapiola Parish Model Railway Club

Kauniainen, the prototype

Kauniainen in State Railways publications


From "the Finnish State Railways 1862-1912", pic. 92 p. 314. A picture of Kauniainen station The log framework is clearly visible. The end closest to camera housed the II ja III class waiting rooms, and the main entrance to waiting rooms was under the canopy. Later a mechanical signal box was built as an extension to building (in front of the middle of the station). The signal box has later being demolished and the maiun entrance to station is now at the location of the former box. The III class waiting room has later been converted into goods warehouse and door and loading ramp has been built to the end of the station building. Probably close to that time the rised goods yard platform of the separate goods warehouse has been demolished.
The picture is published with kind permission from the Finnish Railway Museum (Finnish Railway Museum's archives).

Signal box's indication panel from the State Railways 1937 History. Note that the track leading west (right) had double slips on main route. This vey unusual in Finland. The intermediate platform situated between tracks 1 and 2 (counting from the station building). Presently (since electrification) the platform is located between tracks 2 and 3 (from station building). the present track numbering is rather pecuilar, probably due to future extension of thrid track from Leppävaara.
The picture is published with kind permission from the Finnish Railway Museum (Finnish Railway Museum's archives).


The yard from 125th anniversary History of State Railways 1987. The picture shows how typical catenary system is installed to yards. Tapiola project will show Kauniainen approximately at the state it was at the time this pfoto was taken, yet there will only be a reservation for overhead catenary system).
The picture is published with kind permission from the Finnish Railway Museum (Finnish Railway Museum's archives).


Photos from Kauniainen by Mr Tapio Keränen

From the platform 1 looking east. On the right the corner of southern goods shelter, the station bulding platform 1, tracks and the passenger level crossing to platform 2/3.
The picture is published with kind permission from Mr Tapio Keränen (foto by Mr Tapio Keränen).

Shot taken July 1st, 1970 from platform 1 to west: the Tunnelitie ("tunnel road") underpass and stairs leading to underpass. Odd looking those narrow catenary portals!
The picture is published with kind permission from Mr Tapio Keränen (foto by Mr Tapio Keränen).

Here the northern goods shelter with sloping roof, photographed July 1st, 1970. The quite unusual edge of goods platform — formed from irregularily cut blocks of granite.
The picture is published with kind permission from Mr Tapio Keränen (foto by Mr Tapio Keränen).

EMU class Sm1 number 6011 was standing at Kauniainen station July 1st, 1970. No route markings yet! Still in regular use were the wooden Gb-goodswagon next to northern goods shelter. Signal masts were still painted red/white.
The picture is published with kind permission from Mr Tapio Keränen (foto by Mr Tapio Keränen).

Class Sr12 number 2702 was working as way freight loco April 27th, 1971. The loco front end markers ("lollipops") were still in use! On the left behind lamp post the southern goods shelter is barely visible.
The picture is published with kind permission from Mr Tapio Keränen (foto by Mr Tapio Keränen).

Northern goods shelter seen from east April 27th, 1971.
The picture is published with kind permission from Mr Tapio Keränen (foto by Mr Tapio Keränen).

Window cleners at work at Kauniainen station September 23rd, 1973.
The picture is published with kind permission from Mr Tapio Keränen (foto by Mr Tapio Keränen).

Don't forget the black wire fence between tracks 1 and 2! Kauniainen, September 23rd, 1973.
The picture is published with kind permission from Mr Tapio Keränen (foto by Mr Tapio Keränen).


Photos from Kauniainen by Mr Jorma Rauhala

Sign showing the shunt limit for SOK warehouse tracks. Kauniainen 01.4.1974.
Photo by Mr Jorma Rauhala, published with Mr Rauhala's permission.

Track one Starter towards Helsinki. Kauniainen 27.6.1972.
Photo by Mr Jorma Rauhala, published with Mr Rauhala's permission.

Fasaaninpolku level crossing. Note that the system had the extra light "2 junaa" (two trains), now not lighted. Kauniainen 27.6.1972.
Photo by Mr Jorma Rauhala, published with Mr Rauhala's permission.

Picture taken from the middle platform facing east. Kauniainen 27.6.1972.
Photo by Mr Jorma Rauhala, published with Mr Rauhala's permission.


Photos from Kauniainen by Mr Heikki Laajakorpi

Mr Laajakorpi has worked as a station master at Kauniainen in 1950's.Here a class Pr1 steam hauled train is departing to west. Kauniainen 1961.
Photo from the collection of Mr Jorma Rauhala, published with Mr Rauhala's permission.

This picture is taken from the wooden foot bridge at the east end of the station. The bridge was demolished at the time of electrification. Here a local commuter train of class Dm7 DMU's at the station. Kauniainen 1960.
Photo from the collection of Mr Jorma Rauhala, published with Mr Rauhala's permission.


Other links to pages related with Kauniainen

The future plans of commuter system of the "coast line", General plan (Finnish!) 2003 HUGE PDF! [RHK -- Finnish Rail Administration]
Drwaing of Kauniainen surroundings from Finnis Acoustics Centre (Suomen Akustiikkakeskus) noise investigation

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