Tapiola Parish Model Railway Club
Pictures from exhibitions
- Helsinki Club Xmas exhibition 2001
- Finnish Railway museum and
Helsinki Model Railway Club arrange a xmas
exhibition annually at State railways head office canteen.
Year 2001 was a 50th anniversary year of the Helsinki club,
the club is the oldest rail enthusiast's association in Finland.
This time we had the loco depot first time on show.
- Helsinki Club Xmas exhibition 2002
- Helsinki Club Xmas exhibition 2006
- This was the first time the Löylymäki layout was not on display
- Model-Expo 1994
- Our club has been an active exhibitor in
Model-Expo, a
model and hobby exhibition held annually at the
Helsinki Ice Hall. This was our first show!
- Model-Expo 2000
- This year we got to main hall
- Model-Expo 2002 [Johannis Likos]
- Johannis Likos has made a round-up of the Model Expo 2002 on his site.
[Text in finnish, greek, english and german]
- Model-Expo 2003
- Preliminary track plan...
- Model-Expo 2004
- The first time Kaunianen was on show in Helsinki
- Model-Expo 2006
- Kaunianen was on show connected to finnish FREMO modules in Helsinki Exchibition Centre
- Model-Expo 2008
- Kauniainen and FREMO together again!!!
- National model railway days 1999 in Turku
- Model railway days is an annual exhibition originally held at Tampere
by the Pirkanmaa rail enthusiast's club
The show is held annually around the country by local clubs or associations.
In 1999 it was arranged by the Turku Rail Traffic club.
This was the first exhibition with the
TMW-DCC system in use.
- XX National Model Railway Days / Malli-Expo 2002 16.-17.11.2002
- At Lahti we had all our working modules in a row. The layout was nearly 30 metres long!
We operated the trains with home-brew IR remote controllers (NMRA-DCC)
- Johannis Likos' round-up of the show at his site
- XXI National Model Railway Days 2003, Turku
- At Turku we test run our new Kauniainen-layout
- XXIII National Model Railway Days 2005, Lahti
- At Lahti we joined Kauniainen-layout with some FREMO modules
- Vattenfall: "Live must have Power!"
- Swedish energy company Vattenfall entered the finnish market in 1990's and during 1998 they had a large and
humoristic series of TV and newspaper advertisements on theme "Live must have Power".
- MTV3 shot a 3 minute intro to Model Railways at our club
- Mr Ismo Jokinen called two days before the show was to be aired. Luckily we had the layout set up at the club.
- National Museum "Train is coming" -exhibition Oct. 27--28, 2003
- National Museum arranged an exhibition with help of Finnish Railway Museum
- Railway museum's Model railway Meet 2007
- Raiway Museum arranged a Model ralway enthusiast's weekend!
24553 kävijää/visitors
© 1996-2023 Tapiola Parish Model Railway Club / Tapiolan seurakunnan pienoisrautatiekerho,
Viimeksi päivitetty / last modified (none). Created with Notepad.
[CONTACT INFO] Don't send e-mail!
Text, drawings and photos are protected by copyright laws. Technical
solutions, methods and source code are public domain only for non commercial
All development has been carried out during our free time, mainly funded
from our own pocket and with non selfish goals, so the use of this material
for profitable use (including construction for a friend aginst a fee) is forbidden
without written permit from the club. The pages contain errors, so, if you
use the data given, you do so at your own risk and responsibility. If you
further develop material found on these pages you must put it on
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