Tapiola Parish Model Railway Club
Masa built the "Truman", or Tr2 class "Russian decapod" on Piko underframe, using plastics.
After finishing that project he was ready to try underframe construction, to build a Hv3 loco.
I (Pekka) told him, that I first want him to build the locomotive depot, and then go into
loco scratchbuilding. Hence he has been building the turntable for the depot.
Photos on this page are courtesy Opa, Antti, Olli and Pekka
The mechanical construction of the table is a design of Mr Koskela: ex. 1/2 in. HP tape drive
unit's tension arm assembly acts as the load bearing unit. The arm has two tapped holes drilled,
and inverted U-channel aluminium profile is attached to it in order to form the solid base
for the turntable bridge. The turntable pit is a separate plywood sheet and the bearing unit is
attached to this. The plywood is then fixed to the layout base with long screws having nyloc
nuts as stoppers and wing nuts for fixing. This way we can adjust the vertical plane of the
turntable to match the layout. Ring rail is only cosmetic, but it will later act as feeder to
the track on the bridge. The pit edges are fixed to the layout cover and the joint between pit
bottom edge and plywood bottom of the pit is concealed befind ring rail base. The pit edge
does not reach to the bottom to allow for adjustments.
Below the baseboard we have a largish aluminium plate fitted to the axle (there was a
screw conveniently at the axle centre). The aluminium plate has a friction drive system
to operate the bridge. Microswitches will be fixed to turn the polarity of the
bridge tracks (we aim to have the layout built with reliability in mind -- if we loose aux. power
we can still run over the bridge and turn it manually as there will be no electronics in track
polarity system).
The bridge's electronic indexing was tested for the first time on Sunday 9th July 2001
The idea is based on
Teton Line's
turntable indexing, but we use only one opto-sensor pair and detect only the other edge
of the "vane".
Opto-sensors are usually used to detect if the beam of light is blocked
or not. We instead search for the "gray area" in between. The system basically has
a window discriminator where one op-amp detects if the beam is blocked, and the other
if the beam is un-blocked. On both cases the amount of darkenss required is adustable,
so that we also have a situation, where the beam is not blocked and not un-blocked.
In this situation the table has reached the correct position. The other op-amp will drive the table clockwise and the other
anti-clockwise. Additional electronics provide for slow acceleration of the table, so that
whenever the correct position is found, the table will be almost instantly halted but
it allways overshoots, so the electronics will slowly accelerate the table again towards the
correct position. As the table is stopped from slower speed than before, the table will halt
closer and closer to the correct spot and thus due to slow acceleration will not
gain speed to pass the correct spot as fast and far as at the previous attempt the
table will eventually (after approx. three trials) find the correct spot.
I wished to separate the window position setting from the window size setting.
On the right is a suggestion from Model
Electronics Railway Group MERG to make the adjustment easier.
The turntable was shown to public at the Helsinki Club's Xmas exhibition 2001.
We added a pin to the aluminium plate that operated a microswitch that changed
the track polarity of the table via a relay. The table also has a motorcycle
dynamo carbon for current pickup from the ring rail, the other polarity comes
via the axle.
The positioning system worked well, it was fun to see the audience reactions
when the table halted not quite correctly, but after a brief moment then
shifted a bit to actually align the rails.
The positioning system and pickup will be developed further.
Surprisingly identical approach done long before ours -- I understand -- at
MIT Model Railroad Club
20001 kävijää/visitors
© 1996-2023 Tapiola Parish Model Railway Club / Tapiolan seurakunnan pienoisrautatiekerho,
Viimeksi päivitetty / last modified (none). Created with Notepad.
[CONTACT INFO] Don't send e-mail!
Text, drawings and photos are protected by copyright laws. Technical
solutions, methods and source code are public domain only for non commercial
All development has been carried out during our free time, mainly funded
from our own pocket and with non selfish goals, so the use of this material
for profitable use (including construction for a friend aginst a fee) is forbidden
without written permit from the club. The pages contain errors, so, if you
use the data given, you do so at your own risk and responsibility. If you
further develop material found on these pages you must put it on
display without fee e.g. to a freely available web page. We expect a
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