


Tapiola Parish Model Railway Club

This is Brass...

Photos on this page are courtesy Antti, Olli, Opa and Pekka


    I originally intended Tapiola club to be only an entry level club, but this club night I was amazed: everyone (except I) was building from brass!

    I am of course pleased to see my own "disciples" growing and learning, but I'm afraid that too much brass may scare a would-be newcomer, and make him/her think that this club is just for "rivet counters". Let me assure, that all newcomers are still welcome, and that all these brass builders were newcomers themselves once!

    To aid the entry level approach we have had the soldering course held outside club evenings.


    We have been building Vv13 loco kits at the club during this year. The maker/designer of the kits has been kind enough to teach our club members to build etched kits, and we have had quite a progress. This soldering course is held outside normal club evenings.

    Some of the locos are for Marklin system, but the rest are to be run at club modular layout. The club has got a small portable Marklin layout built by Mr Saalasti, and the Marklin versions are run on that.

7126 kävijää/visitors
© 1996-2023 Tapiola Parish Model Railway Club / Tapiolan seurakunnan pienoisrautatiekerho, Viimeksi päivitetty / last modified (none). Created with Notepad.

[CONTACT INFO] Don't send e-mail!
Text, drawings and photos are protected by copyright laws. Technical solutions, methods and source code are public domain only for non commercial purpose. All development has been carried out during our free time, mainly funded from our own pocket and with non selfish goals, so the use of this material for profitable use (including construction for a friend aginst a fee) is forbidden without written permit from the club. The pages contain errors, so, if you use the data given, you do so at your own risk and responsibility. If you further develop material found on these pages you must put it on display without fee e.g. to a freely available web page. We expect a note about this also.
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