


Tapiola Parish Model Railway Club

Model Expo 2006

This year Tapiola's Kauniainen layout was connected to finnish FREMO enthustiasts' modules

Tapiola's Kauniainen

General view of Kauniainen layout (blue frame). Fremo-modules curve at the background to the left of the picture...


Kauniainen. unfinished stone bridge and station mock-up at Tuomarila halt.

Kauniainen. The layout was larger than ever, double track layout was 9.6 x 2.4 metres (32 x 8 ft). On the right we had three bridging modules built, the middle one has adjustable length in range +17 mm (+0.67 in)

Raimon and Juna H:n built this embankment module

Detail from Tapiola's Kauniainen layout. Scenery is not yet aligning at module interface, as the height of the scenery is not yet firmly standardised. On the other hand the most important thing is the alignment of tracks

The yellow Dr15-camera loco had a nasty accident. The photo shows the details added by Olli Keki-Rahkonen while converting "Mallijunat" Hr12/Dr12 class body shell to Dr15 class "Super-Huru"


In the front Iiro Niemi's excellent FREMO-moduuli. The FREMO-module layout was connected to kauniainen's AGA spur (to the right of the photo) and extends to the left and to the back of the photo where Johannis Likos' modules are.

Juuso & Juha Painio built this FREMO-module as father-Son project

This is Kari Saalasti's FREMO-module.

Johannis Likos' FREMO-modules.

Detail from Johannis Likos' FREMO-module

Johannis Likos' finnish rolling stock, Dv12 class and Vv13 class

Johannis Likos' yard and line on his FREMO-modules

Detail from FREMO module interface. Standard drawing only specifies the shape of the (wooden) end profile but not the location of the tracks -- it is only found in the text (2 mm sleepers between rails and wooden profile board). On the right is IIro Niemi's module, where the rails are correctly set, the left hand module has no space between rails and profile board, thus consuming valuable tolerance from the fixing holes

Juha Painio's Ei class coach seems to only lack painting. Coach is shot at Iiro Niemi's module.

Other layouts

Ingo Forsberg's "Dagmar Railway Company"

Kari Sarmanne's Z-scale layout

Kouvola Model Railway Museum's stand.

Hannu Aronsson's Z-scale layout that is designed to be fitted over cable conduct at his office.

Here the structure of his modules is explained

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© 1996-2023 Tapiola Parish Model Railway Club / Tapiolan seurakunnan pienoisrautatiekerho, Viimeksi päivitetty / last modified (none). Created with Notepad.

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Text, drawings and photos are protected by copyright laws. Technical solutions, methods and source code are public domain only for non commercial purpose. All development has been carried out during our free time, mainly funded from our own pocket and with non selfish goals, so the use of this material for profitable use (including construction for a friend aginst a fee) is forbidden without written permit from the club. The pages contain errors, so, if you use the data given, you do so at your own risk and responsibility. If you further develop material found on these pages you must put it on display without fee e.g. to a freely available web page. We expect a note about this also.
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