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Kauniainen, the Tapiola Club's test layout For fixing the modules we needed longer bolts that we had taken with us from the club. Dremel was used for cutting suitable lengths of threaded rods that we bought from a DIY shop in Turku.
Setting up. From left Kari H. and Johannis.
Setting up. From left Pekka, Johannis, Väiski, Olli and Antti
All the modules are about lined up The setting up of rail joiners to sections interface was nearly impossible as all rails aren't parallel... The design will be changed so that enough space is provided to other end of module, and joiners set in so that the interface is flush, and joiners then pushed to final position after modules are in correctly lined up and fastened in position.
Two of our youth members, Mikko (here) and Juha visited Turku by bus (200 km from club!) only to have a chance to operate the layout for a few hours on Saturday. The older members that took part in setting up, operation and tear down stayed in a hotel in Turku between Saturday and Sunday.
Kauniainen shown from east to west. The connection to return loop is visible in the front.
Kaunianen shown from west to east. Clearly visible are the provisional control panels for turnout control and the provisional station mockup (photo montages on kapa-board).
Read more about our Kauniainen project Other layouts at the exhibition General view of the lower lobby. Operating sceniced layouts: In front Nuuuska's LGB layout, next to the left Tampere cub (PiRaKe) layout, and ath the background the Friends of Alpine Railroads' layout. To the left (not visible) was the Laaksonen brother's layout and further to right was Lahti club's (Topparoikka) layout.
General view of the upper lobby. In front the Tapiola club's Kauniainen, behind it to the right the Turku clubs layout. In the middle is the Helsinki MRC's Löylymäki layout.
Turun kiskoliikennekerho (Turku rail traffic club) the organizers of this years "National Model railway days". Their layout has advanced a lot since the Tapiola's last excursion
Turku has a very active club. Here are some live steam locos built by one of their club member. The club has also preserved a real loco, State railways number 555.
8342 kävijää/visitors © 1996-2023 Tapiola Parish Model Railway Club / Tapiolan seurakunnan pienoisrautatiekerho, Viimeksi päivitetty / last modified (none). Created with Notepad. Text, drawings and photos are protected by copyright laws. Technical solutions, methods and source code are public domain only for non commercial purpose. All development has been carried out during our free time, mainly funded from our own pocket and with non selfish goals, so the use of this material for profitable use (including construction for a friend aginst a fee) is forbidden without written permit from the club. The pages contain errors, so, if you use the data given, you do so at your own risk and responsibility. If you further develop material found on these pages you must put it on display without fee e.g. to a freely available web page. We expect a note about this also. Pages tested with W3C validator -- didn't look good ;) [YHTEYSTIEDOT] Älä lähetä sähköpostia! Tekstit, kuvat ja piirokset ovat tekijänoikeuslain suojaamia. Tekniset ratkaisut, menetelmät ja lähdekoodit ovat vapaasti kopioitavissa ja hyödynnettävissä ei-kaupallisissa tarkoituksissa. Kaikki kehitystyö on tehty vapaa-aikana ja pääosin henkilökohtaisilla varoilla eikä hyötymistarkoituksessa, siksi materiaalin käyttö hyötymistarkoituksiin (sisältäen kaverille rahasta rakentamisen!) on kielletty ilman kerhon kirjallista lupaa! Sivuilla esiintyy virheitä. Jos käytät sivujen tietoja hyväksesi, teet sen täysin omalla vastuullasi. Mikäli kehität sivuilla esiettyjä ajatuksia kytkentäkaavioita tai koodia edelleen, on sinun asetettava se maksutta kaikkien saataville esimerkiksi Internetiin. Odotamme vastavuoroisesti tietoa suoritetusta edelleenkehitystyöstä. Sivut testattu W3C validatorilla -- ei näyttänyt hyvältä ;) |